Customer Support

Customer support, chat support, live support, guest chatting, whatever you say it, will match-up with every situation. A user can also chat without even logging in into your website.

Live Customer support, Helpdesk, live chat support

Guest Mode in which the user does not need to be logged in to chat, they only need to enter their name & email to continue chatting.

Setup Guest Mode

Guest Mode is disabled by default. You need to set it up first to enable it. But before that, it is required to set up and enable User Groups

Setup customer support or guest mode

{info} Read the User Groups feature before continuing to below steps.

It's very simple to enable the Guest Mode, you only need to -

  1. Go to Admin Panel -> Settings
  2. Scroll down to GUEST MODE section
  3. Click on the Guest Mode checkbox, to turn it on/off
  4. Finally, enter the Guest Group Id (value), the User-group that can chat with Guests (users who are not logged in)

{success} After the above step completes, Admin & Guest-group users can see a Guest/Customer Support tab on the chat widget.

Guest Login

Let's see how a Guest can start chatting without logging into the website.

Guest login

  1. When a Guest visits your website and clicks on the AddChat widget.

  2. A form window will open in the AddChat widget, asking about their Name & Email.

  3. After submitting, the Guest can start chatting.

{primary} When Guest sends a message, it gets forwarded to all the Guest-group users.


AddChat auto-convert the Guest conversations to Registered user conversations, when the Guest Register on the website with the same Email that he/she used as a Guest. Let's see what it is-

  • Suppose a Guest started chatting.

  • And on next day, when the guest returns and opens the chat, then he/she can continue from the previous conversation.

  • Now suppose the same guest Signup on the website with the same email

  • And, when the guest Login into the website, and open the Chat widget, then he/she can see all the previous conversations that were sent as Guest.

{primary} This is useful when your leads become your customers.